
beats by dre cheap eech nods to say

Chapter 704 beginning smells the secret place investigating
After the dollar Dan that will need pays, those 9 make pill treasure Dian and have already been sent by a staff member to come over, the summer speech works properly once the dint turn, will work properly dint to infuse to go into to make pill treasure Dian in check a time of, confirm to have no problem, then make pill 9 to treasure Dian all incomes arrive to ownly work properly Luo to quit inside.
The summer talks although have never once seen to make pill treasure Dian, however the state real strenght talks this degree till summer, general good and bad and function of these products is still that the ability Be light to easily distinguish.
Make pill treasure Dian, the similarly crystal stone creates but becomes, however shape similar to the book of paper quality, is as totally different as that magical power Mi method crystal ball.
Later on, the summer talks to leave with Guo Lin.See after 2 people come out, Lyu Zu is long with Gao Zu Chang, just exhale an one breath, shocked that the vision had been staring at a summer to talk 2 people to once walk to turn Cape, this just takes back vision.
"Is this person, must be a certain very big sons of household"
"That is affirmative, if otherwise, how may take out near 400,000,000 per dollar a while Dan for my sky, even I, all have never seen so many dollar Dan"
"Ha ha, Gao Zu Chang, with this person one ratio, we are absolutely person with very limited outlooks" Lyu Zu long wry smile write shake.
"Is yes alas …… just just ……" Gao Zu draws a deep sigh 1 and shakes, also with flagging interest.They purchase five classes to make pill treasure Dian and all want to formally treat, but the somebody else is an one breath, directly bought making pill of nine gradeses treasure Dian.
What is a margin?This is the margin
"The summer talks adult, what do we buy now?These ten thousand heavy buildings I come to many times and still understand on the whole to this first floor."Leave to work properly a stone and work properly after grass sell area, Guo Lin smiles Ying Ying to politely ask a summer to talk again.
The summer of"I want ……" talks eyebrows tiny tiny a wrinkly, oneself temporarily seemed to be not to need to be purchased what.Ten thousand heavy buildings the 3 F is a mart, however mart next time start of time, also need to wait for 80 years.
And ten thousand weigh the second floor of building, some rare and precious things sell, however oneself is similar to Guo Lin, basically didn't entitle to last must go.
"Calculate, we left first.Ten thousand heavy buildings I have already known position and need to be purchased next time what product, I directly come over to would be "lead a short moment, the summer speech turns eyes to Guo Lin Dao, " Guo Lin's leader and thanked you, if otherwise, I perhaps need to waste more time here."
"The summer talked adult speech to weigh, you to our soil Tan the special kindness of the tribe, we can't forget forever.If isn't a summer to talk adult to make moves, by yesterday, soil Tan the tribe perished "make reference to here, Guo Lin is also facial expression a positive, say very seriously, " adult, the black wolf tribe works properly a stone mineral the vein produce of work properly a stone, it is to belong to yours to have a half, I will exclusively put in a database building inside.You if the time of demand, can come to withdraw."
The "good" summer speech nods to say.
2 people facing ten thousand weigh the exit of building to go to go, a leads a way up, the self-discipline that often has each state once walks.There are some self - disciplines before the body, hang a special sign, the summer speech once sees this kind of sign, is the star class that belongs to hunter's labor union member.The person who generally owns this kind of sign all takes a murderous look naturally on the body, the look in the eyes is to compare cold Lie of general self-discipline many.
Probably lead half of two-hour period time, the summer talks and Guo Lin Liang people, just walk to leave to export a not far place.
At by this time, a voice, suddenly spread to pass over here from the square of side.
"The summer talks adult"
Meanwhile, the summer talks and then feels breathing, facing oneself the place position quickly approach.Once the vision turn and look for voice to see past, the summer talks immediately a face last facial expression a loose.
"Is Li Qing to record"
This Lee is green to record, is five weigh an elite disciple in sky, is also the self-discipline that belongs to fairy wind tunnel.Record a few self - disciplines with Li Qing after summer speech serves as fairy wind tunnel five heavy sky of representative directors, there are also a few contact.The summer speech serves as five representative director of fairy wind tunnel of weighings and certainly needs to manage many affairs and for example say to absorb some extremely excellent elite disciples join a fairy wind tunnel etc..But these affair, he isn't likely to kiss dint again but BE, this needs to be some the under charge of dint.
Li Qing records and would is one of them.
The summer speech sees, at not the distance is probably also several 100 meters outside, there are many self - disciplines, also all stop a body form naturally, obviously record with Li Qing to go together.However, the summer talks and discovers right away, these people, unexpectedly the great majorities all want the real strenght that records than Li Qing Gao De Duo.There are several individuals, even connect a summer to talk himself/herself, can not see through the state of the other party.And, send forth the natural vehemence of on the other party body, all very strong.Even if was a self-discipline to greatly conceal Shu, could not completely cover up this kind of vehemence friendly quality, either.
"The summer talks adult" Li Qing records once the vision turn and quickly talk neighboring district till summer, "you also ten thousand heavy buildings purchase a baby, Hey Hey, is the adult to prepare to take part in a secret place to investigate for thousand years?"
"Does the secret place investigate?"The summer talks tiny tiny one Leng.
The star Dou palace contains one secret place, the summer speech is knowing.It is said that the Lang evil boundary is 360 palaces, each palace, all have a secret place.This secret place is the root of each palace, absolutely can not falter.The secret place is very mysterious, even if is the elite disciple of palace grounds, all have no admissible secret place self-discipline.
As for concerning secret place more informations, the summer talks over know nothing a way.
"Is ah the summer talk adult, I give you the introduction for a while a few adults" Li Qing records to took a look a summer to talk nearby of Guo Lin, he really haven't seen Guo Lin, so just have some hesitation,beats by dre cheap, the look in the eyes gleamed to sweep several eyes.
"?"The summer talks vision early and sees arrive not a group of self - disciplines of distance, very obviously, Li Qing records to want a few introductive adults, in those people.
Li Qing records to take the summer speech past, Guo Lin, naturally also followed to walk pass by.At this time Guo Lin is also various mind to hover around and want leave-taking in the heart, and then a bit unwilling.His thinking, also extremely nimble, certainly know the person who has been already handed over to gather with the speech in summer, affirmation is all star Dou palace heavy weight person.
"A few adults, this is the fairy wind tunnel five heavy sky of representative directors the summer talk adult" Li Qing records and take the summer speech to those self-discipline neighboring district, the polite voice says.
The summer speech immediately responds, there are a few visions, fall in own body a while.However the summer talks have never expressed to serve as what different, but wear a smile, the look in the eyes is to not intentionally took a look those people.
"The summer talks adult, this is the yu female hole five heavy sky of representative director orchid Feng adult, this is the fairy wind tunnel six heavy representative director Lan river in sky adult, this is the pure source hole five heavy representative director in the sky finish Gao just adult, this was the green bamboo hole six heavy representative director Luo in the sky also had this through adult, this was our fairy wind tunnel seven heavy strange adult to representative director Suo in the sky"
Li Qing records a few self - disciplines of reporting the famous word, is all each heavy representative director of each hole of sky.Still the one who have rest self-discipline, all obviously follow behind these representative directors since then.Li Qing records, should be follow behind those representative directors since then.
The summer talks nature to see come out, the relations of these self - disciplines all compare closer, if otherwise, also is not likely to come ten thousand to do it again together.
The summer of"each self-discipline" talks a several people's arch hand of facing to say.
Those people, the nature is all like a summer to talk an arch hand, the noodles takes to smile an idea.The summer talks the time in arch hand, vision much over there seven heavy fairy wind tunnel the strange body of representative director Suo up stopped over a short moment.This Suo strange real strenght, absolutely deeply can not measure.That kind of motion that is underlying to work properly dint on the body lets the summer talks is all mind motion.
But other a few representative directors, the real strenght is equally all very strong, among them orchid Feng and finish Gao just 2 people's real strenght, a little bit weaker, all of these 2 people is five weighed the representative director in sky.
"The strong in the star Dou palace, too many only is 36 hole sky at each the representative director who weigh a sky, which all fascinatingly cut off gorgeous generation."The summer talks to turn a mind dark way in the heart.
"Ha ha, summer the one who talk self-discipline, are you to come to ten thousand heavy buildings to purchase various treasure thing?Be apart from our star Dou palace thousand years a secret place investigate to start time and have already only had a not enough decade and did more some preparation and pass the opportunity for investigating when the time comes, really a little bit big.Ten years to us, also however is in a short moment."Fairy wind tunnel seven heavy representative director Suo in the sky is strange, lead off openings to say to the speech in summer.
In fact the summer talks and basically hasn't heard that the secret place investigates this matter.He gets into star Dou palace time is still short, with these each hole each the representative director who weigh a sky, is also have no to hand over to gather, even if is to record with Li Qing to wait the inferiority that he directly leads, didn't lead too many confabulations, he has never heard the secret place of star Dou palace investigates, also normal.
The summer talks a five heavy fairy wind tunnel representative director's New appointees of just serving ases and was like each heavy sky of representative director of rest hole mansion, the nature can't lick, either face to send goodwill gestures to the speech in summer.Don't say other hole mansions, say fairy wind tunnel, fairy wind tunnel six weigh the Lan river of representative director in sky, he how may from six weighed a sky to make a special trip five heavy sky of to seek a summer to talk?
The summer talks Guo Lin at the side of body and early started to be tiny appearing lost in thought.These star Dou the outstanding self-discipline of the palace, he unexpectedly added a lot of today.Talk an adult identity with summer the equality even talk an adult identity to still want a high self-discipline than the summer, unexpectedly in oneself's in front
Guo Lin deeply knows that these star Dou palace real elite, as long as doing not wither, the achievement in future, absolute is very high.Step into celestial spirits state, to them, is not very difficult either.Seem the summer talk adult, just eight classes work properly emperor's state and would be ability shot to kill Qiu Lu whom nine classes work properly emperor's state, the summer talks of real strenght, be imaginable
"Yes, I come to ten thousand heavy buildings, is purchase some things" summer speech also smiled to smile to say, "have never thought, can run into each self-discipline here."
"The summer talks, you can purchase a product in ten thousand heavy building first floors just now?Rather you with us is taken by the Suo strange self-discipline us together, go ten thousand 2 F of building of weighings together.Is real to help a huge treasure thing to our self - disciplines, can all is in the 2 F."Yu female hole five heavy representative director orchid Feng in sky the United States once the eyes turn and looking at a summer to talk in a soft voice say with smile.
"H'm, the orchid Feng says BE, now that run into, then it together.However summer the one who talks self-discipline, you arrive 2 F to go, can get to prepare an enough dollar Dan.Otherwise, that can looking at those babies, not the ability packs baby into own pocket, Hey Hey ……"green bamboo hole six weigh representative director Luo in sky through, roar with laughter to jocosely say.
However, in their these people's eyes, the summer speech just joined star Dou palace time wasn't long, really also wasn't likely to have too many backlogs.
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