
beats by dre pro ang Zhe hereafter ag

Send a police station?"Zhang Zhe to that station, put clear loafer exactly of appearance.
Doing business most to fear to meet with loafer is particularly Zhang Zhe thus of, give up an old face plays to depend on with you, your ability how he?Really need to begin to beat him?
Beating is light, he doesn't depend on Rao not, beat heavy, you not only want to compensate his medical expenses and make to not and very still probably serve prison term, particularly is that kind of the person who does small business, one isn't good, asked for the person who should not ask for, aftertime's life afraid want to suffer hardship, the business can make into all difficult say, if the somebody else takes how many small rascals, three days 2 runs your store doorway to turn leisurely, how can you do?
Beating can not beat, the words threatenning say an also enough, is this kind of loafer to the last Zhe, the best way is to settle dispute, the storekeeper fears two sons true give°ed this loafer to beat, hurried circle field way:"This friend, I this is also a convenient store, small business, the rental in every year of light ten several ten thousand, all the year round of, can not earn how much , you want to really lack this money, we an old and the young meal money in province also made up deficiencies, can key you are enough this money, you see you this car, there are also this clothes on the body, which piece is a gewgaw?You deliver mercy, don't with us this is difficult!"
Storekeeper one face imploringly looking at Zhang Zhe, the voice feeling combines luxuriant under, also be really like to so return to matter, however these can not arrestment Zhang Zhe's loafer, he has no cash, even if this storekeeper again have mercy on 1,00000%, he is also similar have no money pay a bill.
The eye Chou wears the color of the sky gradually clear, Zhang Zhe is a bit impatient, continue to make a color way:"The useless talk is little to say, the elder brothers son early hears you this makes a convenience of store illegitimate profit thick, today however come to add some oil for car, buy how many packs of biscuit just, as for is packing so pitiful?"
Two sons of storekeeper early can not get use to Zhang Zhe that kind of the appearance of the slovenly , in a pet, loudly scold a way:"You the excrement muck ball son, ran zhan cheapness in the home of your grandpa Liu to come, doesn't the letter believe Lao Tze to clap you?!"Say words, he already several steps hurtle to Zhang Zhe's in front, the hand also raises Zhang Zhe's top of head.
Zhang Zhe chases neck one Geng, despise of say with smile:"Grandson don't only say not to do?Come, here, you beat here like, the grandpa beats not to strike back today and scold not return, allow you to knead flat crumple a circle!"Zhang Zhe points at a brain and put enough an appearance that owes to beat.
Two sons than row along while, didn't dare as well to really keep on beating, make reference to bottom, he was to scare Zhang Zhe and really want him because several hundred dollars give offense to a loafer, he just have no so silly!
Has the storekeeper already made sure that this is a loafer, at that moment don't dare to embarrass as well, as for reports to the police?Only the simpleton would seek a police!He afraid Zhang Zhe hereafter again come, quickly and far and far call the son say:"Small light, are you this smelly boy, have you this Mo to treat a friend?Then it the brothers is hard up, that money also has no a necessity difficult is brothers."
Say words, he has already taken two to wrap the soft China comes out, a fill Zhang Zhe Shou, entreaty way:"The small brothers is also street noodles up just to get along of, know us naturally these business person's difficulties, please your Gao Tai Gui's hand, don't come again difficult is small store, hereafter had no smoke to take out though seek me, I ain't that kind of either the person of illiberality, rather the home is little to eat, can't let the small brothers break smoke to take out, either!"
Storekeeper says sincerely, Zhang Zhe naturally qualified match to pack appearance, clap his shoulder to say:"The elder brother of the eldest brother, see you say of, brothers I of another ability have no, just to get along ability of street noodles still careless, don't please today from came to calculate brothers to give offense to, wait which Be getting more plenty of money to spend, again bought money of thing for you to make up deficiencies, our brothers didn't°yet necessity for the sake of two packs of smoke difficult is elder brother, someone hereafter sought to come, though reported me south the elder brother's name, I saw which boy dared to come to seek a matter here!"
Storekeeper quickly nods to mean to appreciate, in the mind but pair of Zhang Zhe Zu, Sun Ba Dai, sends greetings to 1 time, a superficial suddenly realize way:"Oh, the small brothers is a south elder brother, a long while ago hear east the city have so No.1 person, can experience today south elder brother's magnificent posture, be really three living lucky!"
Zhang Zhe forces a to smile and impatiently puts to say:"Since it is so, I also the inconvenience bother eldest brother elder brother, we walk first one step, from now on occupy though seek me!"Say words, Zhang Zhe has already pulled Suo second walk toward car to, all the way Suo second face early be smiled a that the idea suppresses red, "keep Kua" in heart young master loafer, have never thought open prince Ye, incredibly a set of performance of street noodles of thus outstanding, see come hereafter buy none of things have to pay!
Storekeeper far farseeing the added his 8910 liter gasolineses of don't gram the car drive away and immediately cannot help but jumping feet to lambaste:"My Pei, what dog ri southern elder brother, a pure cannibalism doesn't vomit the small giblets of bone, grandpa's heart puts you so much today one horse, again dare to run to eat a white food in the store of your grandpa, the grandpa didn't pick your dog skin can not."
Scold all the way of walk to store, suddenly see a big son make a phone call over there, unbearable spirit way:"The white keeps you this ate goods, raffish all day long but could not mix an as well, in addition to chewing a home like mouse, also ability what?Make a telephone to have no sunset for night of beat, don't also see you seek a daughter-in-law for home!"
Big son's sneaky fires away a telephone and quickly turn the head accompanies for father be not, crafty smile to say:"Daddy, you don't scold first and listen to I say, I just had already give°ed license plate of that guy to stick down, needed a meeting to have a police to catch him in the past and saw him an ability overbearing how long!"
The storekeeper puzzles a way:"Why does the police grasp him?"
Big son more satisfied cachinnation gets up:"I say with police hides a corpse in that car, can be frightened to death the police, perhaps have already rushed through to grasp that guy in the past now!"
Two sons just entered a house to at the right moment hear this words and also followed silly smile, "the eldest brother is indeed as expected intelligent, does that guy estimate to just and puzzlingly accept a police to check to ask now and say to prohibit to have already grasped he walks, does the strict Xing cross-examines him to cover up a corpse location!"
Once the words sound fall, father and son 3 people immediately facing Zhang Zhe leave of the direction jian smile, feels just be subjected to of the stuffy air has already eased a lot ……

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Renew time:2010-5-232:44:32 chapter word numbers:5962

The car is again steady to start, have already changed into Zhang Zhe's driver, exhausted a night of Suo was second don't immediately sleep to go, on the contrary see very jing absolute being of hold the belly cachinnation in a side, looking at Zhang Zhe's eyes also be full of curious.
The whole body that Zhang Zhe is seen by her is uneasiness, the stem coughs a , dissatisfied way:"Is old to stare at my stem what?Make people misunderstand your intention so and very easily!"
The Suo is second on smiling, generous way:"I am very curious to young master, early listen to fly once say young master with me, flying the young master in is one to contain gentleman poise, there is content, there is character, good-hearted, there is the man of sense of responsibility.Can I until didn't also discover that the young master has now above which order.Is contrary, I feel that the young master is sometimes very vulgar."
Hear this name, Zhang Zhe expresses of some inhospitalities:"You are to say that the Tong flies?Are you and she friends?"
"Not."The Suo is second to shake head a denial of way:"Two of us' relation is very complex, I think, this is the secret that belongs to us ……"
Zhang Zhe has no again ask, now that is a secret that the shortage understand for outsider.The car remains on the road speed, just nan in car female but sink into silent.
This kind of embarrassed atmosphere seems to be pretty much to suppress and looking at front signpost, the Suo is second to suddenly say with smile:"Young master just of the performance made people very surprised and seemed the loafer of the side of street ……I was very curious, why the young master would have this performance."
Zhang Zhe sparks a cigarette, the tiny Mi rises eyes to say:"I once accepted these things since the childhood, the truth actually said, there was a period of time, I and street the bludger of the side was similar to muddle through time,beats by dre pro, the father told me, the man should try the human life 100 Tais and understood 100 kinds of lives, so, I once experienced of …… is also the owner once experienced ……"
A short short words, the Suo is second to seem to read a meaning of vicissitudes of life from it, imperceptibly, Related articles:

