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Chapter 603 breaks out
Method dragon, clan meat the body is strong, fierce, particularly more have to narrow body to call him after turning form behavior door meat body the meeting is more strong, this is also regarded as evil Long Yi Zu's one of the natural endowments
Reach a gram to change the body become*person after, the strength containing inside the body not only didn't weaken, but also consumedly promoted some, and can make use of various in the whole world of the dint it may be said have most very hard to many Shi also some why that old evil dragon trust stay his one nurses Ji vast sky of reason
Evil Long Yi Zu has been supercilious and matchless.Basically despising is another of race of high year of, save that old whet dragon to see, reach a gram this frighten is small together the territory of sky of strong inside the clan, cope with the Ji vast sky of Cui of the Yong absolute being also, that is easy to accomplish, absolutely have no difficulty.
See many evil Long Yi Zu is strong black sky of, also believe that the method is originally good enough to eliminate Ji vast sky page, saved this evil territory dragon's self-discipline not to know how many years of black sky of, although have never swallowed to contain a kind of any source fire, the strength is also extremely extraordinary, can with the Ji source Dou not divide top and bottom
"Come!"The Ji vast sky sneers at.The action with no dodge, also I however rushed at to reach a gram, moment and reach to a gram of Dou at together.
This is a hard rightness of hard fierce battles, in spite of reach step to still hang Ji vast skies all to from of strength and body have extreme confidence, 2 people usually is also feel to open an enemy from the Yi war, therefore just on exchanging blows, these two guys tie up together, boxing feet mutual Yan shot
All of 2 people meat bodies are extremely of the young tiger is fierce.The so near body fought impossibly to all once avoid the attack of the other party in everywhere, so these exchanging blows of two people is usually you my shot my one punch, I return you one feet.Each other who didn't also beg for how much cheapness
The Ji vast sky engages of time greatly open to greatly match small receive feet of arm, finger, sharp nail, it goes to bumping of shoulder and skull shot all use last, as long as being the attack that can bring to reach this injury, he entirely displays to open.
Ji vast sky so the several years south advertise for a north war.And numerous Gao Nong cross swords to beg for from having the method door that a set of near body fights, particularly is getting to mix a dollar of profound meaning after he this kind of Zhe body physical fight of the method door became to turn a territory a while and came to a wonderful territory ground of unimaginable life six
Cross swords in, his mind at have me of the territory Be small to become extremely cold, the towel of brain didn't have the mind of one silk mess to be calm of make him all feel frightened by himself
In this marvellous state, he can the contact towel in body the deep understanding arrival reach to the fluxion track of strength of a gram of body from the stem, can in cutty time inside the strength judging a battle originally break out to order where, can also know to reach to the flimsiness on a gram of body to have to save that a
Know both your opponent and yourself 100 wars the Dai ask for help from to have me not of the mood of territory he keep to attain this one step, clear to the action that reaches a gram.
Mixing a dollar is profound meaning, have marvellous magical power, this kind of is profound meaning to come out the explosion that the dint in his body dided not exhaust most , along with in the flying of towel Jian fluxion of Jin vein inside the body, strength's his strength can also fold to add, time truely pile out, that output explosive force hot Bu mercury compare
Know both your opponent and yourself, own strength can also constantly increase the meat body of a purgatory ghost clan and is matchless violent.In the combat, he not only has never peeped out to hurt to be like at 1:00, chapter however with power more and more foot.Give people a kind of to look sideways world, the violent in action is matchlessly wildly strong with power a
Change body after, that sharpens a matchless nail, in the combat is a born county pike machine to reach after gram turn the form behavior, the meat body is regarded as very of hard, afraid some ratio most for return solid diamonds to all want numerous hard times, however, go into in the Ji vast sky that Feng pike agnail sting for comparing in the sky under reach a voice still accept can not stand, the body splits an a way son to come out
And purgatory ghost the clan is general, reach the meat body of gram to also have from the ability for lying, time save to cross swords, he meat body up present of the son is healed with the Jian degree canning see without the aid of instruments, an eyebrow deeply can the wound of shell bone, probably at several ten short of time then instauration as before, can not tell any side harm of thin vestige.
Because have one body of abnormal condition saves more from the ability, a life time originally saves this combat in just can prop up.
However, along with fight of carry on, reach to living more and more scared, he delivers steel Ji the vast sky save the time of belligerence, the strength is slowly increasing, along with fight of arouse row degree the building rise the Ji vast sky strength in the body to imitate a Buddha endless generally promote, that kind of Qian degree that promote also saves a growth
What does this mean?
Meaning him can always so the combat bottom go, not only not now male thunder tired hero's keeping in mind will be more and more strong and more fight more brave!This is breach natural rule, any strength of living creature will constantly consume in the towels of combat, more and hereafter, can display of strength the meeting is more little, this is Zheng Lyu
Reach to existence that can feel this kind of rule by himself/herself, along with fight miserably row degree to get stripe.He has already grown to lack the ability to do already of feel, he can clearly male feeling's taking into the strength in the body is slowly disappearing, can the strength using be slowly also becoming less
He at slowly weak, and the Ji vast sky is more and more strong, can use of strength sound however also more and more.
Whether he wants to admit or not, he realizes that this fought him to lose a treasure and was"Xi …necessarily know to the back of this.Have already been then many another idea to come
"Is black sky of, leave here, seek an old clan long!This guy not some general person Jiu, it goes to more even strong than the clansmen of general purgatory ghost clan!"Reach origin the warrior of purgatory love in Ping-ho Xuan once crossed swords, he suddenly calls a way:"This strength on the guy body extremely various difference I maybe not some his opponent."
"Hey Hey, you just see out."Be getting more late!The Ji vast sky is cold to calculate, figure jelly detailed transformation write.
Is a to erupt general impact dint such as the volcano, suddenly save some time feet to order a towel to flow out a steel cool strength constantly resound in the body, strength at keep on to build up
Bomb!Hua Hua Hua!
Thunder in the sky and water current bellow a voice to spread together a nine often the temple different wave Ca Xu form save black water in pound at, those suspend a body side of black voice all of the water bead give to urge servant to become water current, after great waves takes shape, again flow out to appear new strength to come out in the unreal
The new strength imitates Buddha Ning chain black water of the innumerable, changed into a river to flow, fiercely pound at to black sky of, unexpectedly will black sky of to thoroughly drown
The black sky of Ning does of water bead.Is each is all heavy such as the mountain Ping however Hui cool strength of constantly pound at under, all of those water beads explode ground open, fiercely brought about strong breeze on this dead star of billow, hugely cry a number voice to resound through on the stars, starve with cold astral ground of forgot a towels to all spread a response voice.
Surprised big wave nine count good!
He the first after blending of secret, horizontal bottom Shi Pi of the Di absolute being opens to clip to adhere to mix to reply at present, of profound meaning tee off, the power seems to be just to endlessly increase, a layer after layer of the strength pound at in the past and all make for the whole dead stars of explode ring repeatedly.This each Jiu on the dead star forbids to make and save the impact of this strength under, the Cui is withered to pull Xiu generally be ruined
The dint of the last one heavy great waves, take all black water, sound however impact of dead star to sky, this impact dint imitated a Buddha to pour into the dint of all explosions and imitated a Buddha to take to die all strength in star, fiercely hurtle last the natural cover of existence of top of head
China Ca!
A cracked voice rings out, the unreal having no time burst upon the crack of various difference, and the Su Ping expanse of stars suddenly presented from that crack.This is the old evil dragon leaves before with the hand decoration of forbid to take
Although the old evil dragon believes to reach a gram to definitely win victory,he keeps in mind smelly stay to have a whole saving of year after next, die star outside set out of forbid to make, would be to obstruct a leaving of Ji vast sky lane
Forbid to make to have innate intelligence, that up contains the flavor life of having the life difference motion, as long as some life time originally with black sky of fly up unreal, that forbiding to make then a form is together nominal.To they can't the Hao become wildly of influence, however, once Ji vast sky and Ji source fly off a God, will meet naked eye to see right away the strength of the shell don't jostle to obstruct them to leave this dead star.
The old evil dragon has the strong that mixs the territory of the degree for the small and each clan of the fixing of territory of immortalization general, this forbids and makes although just he comes out with the hand decoration.Is similar to have very can the defense dint of, he the self-confident Ji vast sky absolutely hurtle infrangible.
However, that forbade to make but was got rid of now!Drive the Ji vast sky of the territory of absolute being to abruptly get rid of!
When the boundless expanse of stars presents from that crack, the Ji vast sky Pie shell a save familiar evilness figure one saint monster spring dragon!
No wonder that these evil dragons suddenly and all and suddenly and violently walked, no wonder that this old Mo dint battle originally outside of all of all superiors took, is a saint monster one clan to come over
Reach a gram be drowned by black water, the body is collided with by the wildly strong impact of dizzy brain bulge, reach bud and resumed evil Long Yi Zu's body at this time, constantly twist body in black water, report want to resume to come over to fight again.
Ji source and that black fire already tie up to round together, it is similar to be like in those early years the fusion of three kinds of fires basket, these two guys turn into the fusion stage of end.
At this stage, Ji vast sky can be participated with mentality, in addition, then helped the not last Ji source, connected down or want to see Ji to derive from F?
However, the Ji vast sky believes the Ji source should be able to make the black fire great and finish chapter Ji the source is having four kinds of flames fusion the new source fire after, the life appearance wants black fire to ascend high than you many, that black fire while having no the help of outside dint, finally affirmation will become a part of Ji source body
"Go up!"Ji vast sky various scene 11 income eyes discarded to visit even if no longer slightly Yu and used one regiment with five lines of of the dint Ning chain come out of the light cover will tie up to round together of Ji source and black fire the cover live and pulled him then to once wear from that blind side that spilt open and stepped go into slowly Shan steel, in the star river of Dian preface,beats by dre pro.
Black fire's seeming is this absolutely dark source in a piece of district, the female saves and Ji source mutually at the time that tooth swallowed, the strength started controling not live, this just let this a piece of district no longer outside do absolutely darkly medium, gradually appeared a shining beginning
In the star river, several ten evil Long Ao Ao wildly call, with the Qi Lin Xi dint Vinaceous Rosefinch the snake small gold in sky is black, the huge monster of woman without pubic hair this kind of saint monster clan cross swords kind, this this fighting of big Zong Huo lets a die the star explode ground open, a piece of piece of the huge meteorite become Ji
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